Mi Ciudad AC2 comes under priority 2 of the SUDOE Operational Programme (Improvement of sustainability for the protection and conservation of the environment and natural surroundings). It focuses on the development of integrated urban policies for the adaptation to and the mitigation of the effects of climate change.
Climate change is mainly generated in cities, which at the same time are an essential key to its solution. Cities produce approximately 75% of all global green-house gas emissions and are home to about 50% of the world’s population.
In the SUDOE area, a large part of the population is concentrated around medium and large urban centres, characterised by strong demographic pressures and, in consequence, high levels of green-house gas emissions.
The causes of climate change in SUDOE cities, such as strong urban growth, tourism, unsatisfactory road traffic management and poor air quality, are very often linked to a lack of coordination and urban policy planning at a municipal level.
It is at a local level that the model for the city and the policies that mitigate the effects of climate change and improve people’s quality of life may be strengthened.
Mi Ciudad AC2 approaches the problem through a change of mentality in urban planning methods, based on four key areas for the adaptation of the city to climate change: